In my last post below, I discussed an article saying, among other things, that bike lanes "infuriate" drivers.
I live in a neighborhood with bike lanes- and even though I don't use them, they hardly "infuriate" me when I live. Indeed, the only emotion I feel when driving past them is wonderment that any biker would be brave enough to use them (since they are on a eight lane street with 50 mph traffic).
What does infuriate me (well, OK, mildly annoy) is this: even at 6:45 am when there is no traffic, my five mile commute takes 15 minutes to get to work (not counting time spent out of the car going through my office building). Why? Because in Sprawl Land where I live, traffic lights take as long as two or three minutes to change (as opposed to 30-60 minutes in more urban neighborhoods). So what Sprawl gives through wider streets, Sprawl takes through annoying traffic lights.
I can't pretend that I know how to improve the situation- but it does get on my nerves.